KABELSCHLEPP® bellows are used on all kinds of machine to provide protection for guideways and spindles, in those cases where no hot chips are present and accessibility is not a requirement. Bellows can be individually produced from a range of different materials, depending on your specific requirements.
Installation variants
Delivery options
BA = Width of bellows
BB = Width of guideway
B1 = Lateral width to left guide
B2 = Lateral width to the right guide
BU1 = Lateral width of the left lower handle
BU2 = Lateral width of the right lower handle
b1 = Left guide width
b2 = Right guide width
H = Height of the fold
H1.1 = Height above left guide
H1.2 = Height above right guide
H2.1 = Height of left bellows
H2.2 = Height of right bellows
HG = Total bellows height
h1 = Height of left guide
h2 = Height of right guide
α = Inclination
LA = Bellows expansion = LS + LZ
LS = Bellows travel length
LSK = Machine travel length
LZ = Bellows compression
n = Quantity of folds
s = Material thickness of bellows
SF = Thickness of end flange
SS = Thickness of PVC support plate
v = Travel speed of bellows
Z = Extension on the side of the bellows
The latest TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP information material: