Cable carriers, chain-suitable cables, conveyor systems and guideway protection - products and system solutions from KABELSCHLEPP® that optimize your application in the long term. Continuous new developments are already setting trends in future-oriented applications. We are specialists for both standard and complex tasks with decades of experience in hundreds of industries, such as the automotive industry, robotics and machine tool industry - we are connected!
Whether cable carriers made of steel, plastic or hybrid product – at KABELSCHLEPP® the conditions of your application determine the material. After assessing your application parameters we will recommend a product that represents the optimum in terms of load capacity, durability and longevity. The material itself is secondary. You can choose from our product portfolio of thousands of types between standard widths and individual millimeter grids – just as required.
Reliable, robust, with high availability. Your benefit from many years of experience combined with ongoing optimization, proven in tests and praxis. TRAXLINE® cables stand for competent system-supply with worldwide on-site service.
[To translate]:
From pre-assembled cables to complex, ready-to-connect systems, from lot size 1 to series – worldwide thousands of KABELSCHLEPP® systems are reliably in use. The benefits of TOTALTRAX® systems are obvious: just one person of contact, one order number, delivery just-in-time to your production facility, shortest downtimes thanks to plug&play installation.
V kovospracujúcom priemysle vzniká každý deň v obrábacích strojoch veľa kovových triesok. Ponúkame správny spôsob likvidácie triesok a dodáme vám správny dopravník pre vaše potreby.
Technicky vyzreté, bezpečné systémy, ktoré chránia vodiace dráhy, vretená a hriadele pred znečistením a poškodením. Naše riešenia ochrany vodiacich plôch zabraňujú drahým prestojom a umožňujú optimálny priebeh výroby.
„Nepriestrelné“ opláštenie Vášho stroja
Vysoké otáčky, veľké rýchlosti obrábania, chladiace mazivá a triesky. Obrábacie stroje tvoria pre človeka nebezpečné prostredie. Preto sa všetky obrábacie stroje obklopujú takmer „nepriestrelnými“ ochrannými zariadeniami. Znižujú resp. eliminujú pritom nebezpečenstvá pre človeka. So systémom KABELSCHLEPP PROTECT-PANEL vám ponúkame optimálnu bezpečnosť za priaznivé ceny.
KABELSCHLEPP® vás rád podporí pri realizácii vášho projektu, oslovte nás!
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Aktuálny informačný leták TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP :
Our product filter supports you in finding the right cable carrier. Simply select your desired parameters and you will quickly get an overview of all suitable type series.