hore Arrow Up

Condition Monitoring

Knowing what‘s (not) up

Safety devices for cranes and wear measurement for glide shoes

  • signal is usable for a fully-automatic emergency stop-system
  • direct measurement of the push-/pull-forces at the moving point
  • force limits freely programmable (lower limit, upper limit)
  • error indication if the limits are exceeded
  • outcoming signal PLC usable (full stop, slow down)
  • no speed limit
  • scheduled gliding shoe replacement
  • wear monitoring in real-time
  • wear forecast
  • sensor-free wear elements
  • without additional cables and power supplies inside the cable carrier
  • usable for all glide shoe chains

The installation conditions are difficult? In that case our service team will take care of the mounting or assists and advises you.

Measuring glide shoe wear in the channel – Condition monitoring

Measuring glide shoe wear in the channel

  • Determine and evaluate real-time values
  • Easy to retrofit with exchangeable glide shoes
  • Easy installation by clipping on the glide shoes and installation in the channel
  • No additional cables in the cable carrier
  • Direct connection to your control system without radio transmission
  • Uses standard components
Measuring shear/tensile forces on the standardized driver – Condition Monitoring

Measuring shear/tensile forces on the standardized driver

  • Guiding without transverse forces:
    • protects the cable carrier
    • minimizes costs through reduced downtimes
    • reduces defects/malfunctions/damage
  • Integrated shear/tensile force monitoring
  • The compensation of the parallel error between the system and the cable carrier is ensured
  • Defined cable routing through two pre-assembled modules
  • Easy maintenance/disassembly, if necessary
  • Easy retrofitting on an opposite-arrangement system
  • Easy connection options
  • System reliability and availability
Condition monitoring Image
Automatic outdoor test facility
Roller supported chain Outdoor

TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP stands for high quality and reliable solutions. Our outdoor test facility offers realistic test conditions to ensure compliance with the highest standards. Gliding and roller systems with travel lengths over 100 meters as well as high-speed applications are tested by our experts under the toughest conditions.


K tomu patrí

Vodiče pre nosiče energie – TRAXLINE®

Spoľahlivý, robustný s vysokou dostupnosťou. Profitujte z dlhoročných skúseností a z priebežnej optimalizácie overenou počas testov i v praxi. TRAXLINE® vodiče pre kompetentné systémové poradenstvo ako aj servis po celom svete.


Systémy nosičov energií pripravené na zapojenie – TOTALTRAX®

Od samostatných vedení až po komplexné systémy pripravené na zapojenie, v počte 1 až po série - po celom svete sú v nasadení tisícky osvedčených systémov. Prednosti TOTALTRAX® systémov sú zjavné: jedna kontaktná osoba, jedno objednávacie číslo, dodávka just in time na želané miesto, krátke prestoje vďaka Plug & Play montáži.



Spoľahlivé odvíjanie a optimálne kĺzanie pri dlhých pojazdoch

na Podporné kanály
na Vodiace kanály

Na optimálne umiestnenie pri dynamickom použití káblov

k Odľahčenie v ťahu


Konfigurátor produktu
Konfigurátor produktu

Konfigurátor produktu

  • Konfigurovať efektívne, rýchlo a kompletne – výsledkom bude Váš systém nosičov energie s optimálnym pomerom cena / výkon
  • Online Konfigurátor produktuEngineer + zodpovedajúce CAD modely CADbez zmeny platformy


  • Skráťte Vaše konštrukčné časy
  • Urýchlite Váš proces návrhu
  • Originálne dáta priamo od výrobcu
  • 3D komponentné modely v rôznych formátoch CAD


nosiče energií – prehľad všetkých skratiek a piktogramov

Technické informácie
Technické informácie

Technické informácie

Konštrukčné smernice:

  • Výber vhodného nosiča energie
  • Inštalačné pokyny pre káble a hadice
  • Instalačné varianty


Aktuálny informačný leták TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP :

Product filter
Product filter

Product filter

Our product filter supports you in finding the right cable carrier. Simply select your desired parameters and you will quickly get an overview of all suitable type series.

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